Monday, March 18, 2019

Who did you say I am?

Microwaving a packet of Uncle Ben's Special Savoury chicken-flavoured Rice has sent my nose into over-drive. Even in the other room I can still smell it. That's the trouble with my nose: I can't tell if something smells bad or if it's my nose. Whatever I'm not going to eat this. I only bought it to try it out as a possible diet lunch.

Husband says it's my granny's fault. I was brought up on home-cooked food and taught to look down on anything ready-made. That's not to say I don't use lots of sauces and other things that make life easier but I do still have standards. Having said that I think we ate packet rice the other week owing to a shortage of real rice and it was perfectly acceptable with curry. It was also very delicious curry that Elder Son made. 

I wonder if you know - or have noticed from the side panel - that I have a number of blogs.
Middle-aged, fat and frumpy is a record of my numerous slimming attempts. As you can see I started it a long while ago, when I could still be considered to be middle-aged. 
This Time Next Year is written by Alison, the heroine of my first novel of the same name. She is currently getting quite excited about a number of things that are happening in her life.
Not another wannabe writer is about my writing experiences, successes failures, plans, and hopes. 

I also have two FaceBook usernames - liz.hinds1 and LizHinds99 - as well as two Twitter names one of which is Liz_Hinds99 (my writing twitter). I'm on Pinterest twice or possibly once (hindsliz) and I think Instagram too.

It's no wonder I:
a) don't have time for writing my novel;
b) don't know what day it is let alone who I am.

But if you'd like to visit me, follow me, like me, buy me chocolate in any of these places I'd be delighted to see you.

lack of focus


nick said...

Granny was right. Home cooked food (or raw food) is much better for you than processed food with all its dubious ingredients. But I do have a weakness for Sainsbury's cheese and onion rolls.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Nothing wrong with Uncle Ben's Rice . I do cook my own rice too . Just use these now and again . Come in handy.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

With all your social media sites and handles, you're a modern "Man of a Thousand Faces"

Liz Hinds said...

We all have our weaknesses, nick.

No, quite, Anne. Packets come in handy.

If only I knew which one I was wearing at any one time, debra.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

All these instant snacks are too salty and the list of ingredients is usually scary.

Liz Hinds said...

They are, Sonata. Most are unpronounceable chemicals. (Whoa! I spelled that right first time!)