Remember that lovely - and expensive - Emma Bridgewater teapot that Husband got me for Christmas? After he'd broken the last one? Here's a reminder.
Guess what he broke today?
Good job I love him.
While I was away last week Husband was busy setting up my new computer. He decided my background image was boring - 'And out of focus' - so he chose an alternative. It makes me smile every time I look at it.
Do you like my super-big screen? Not to mention Husband doing his best tummy-held-in James Bond pose on a beach in Malaysia.
I've had quite a productive day today doing stuff that needed doing as well as stuff I needed to do. All that's left now is to finish my article for the next issue of The Bay. Which is why I'm sitting here blogging. And drinking tea.
Great idea! I'll have to check with Hunky Husband to see if he'll pose for a beef-cake shot. (Fat chance!)
Cop Car
You can borrow mine if you like, CopCar!
Oh dear! I have the same problem as your husband. We can't purchase anything expensive since I will eventually break it! Cute tea pot set though. Cute photo from Malaysia to smile at each day.
Elon Musk wants to break Russell's teapot, so he established Space-X just to go look for it ;-)
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