Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Squashed fox - popular with gruffalos

A fox ran out across the road in front of my car this evening. A busy main road in rush hour. I was in the middle of saying, 'You stupid fox,' when another ran in front of me.

Husband says it's the mating season - he can hear them baying at night - but if they are all as stupid as that pair there will be a shortage of baby foxes in the area this year.

I braked for the second one and think I missed him: I couldn't see anything squishy and squashed on the road behind me. But really. Didn't their mothers teach them the Green Cross Code?

Much later the same evening I saw another two foxes, separately this time, dashing or wandering across roads. Love - or hormones - must be in the air.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hormones doth make fools of us all.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh it does, Debra.