Thursday, December 13, 2018

I should rush out and buy a lottery ticket

A few weeks ago I won a prize in the grandchildren's school raffle: a £30 Joules voucher that went towards my new red coat.

And now I've just won a lovely little painting from the raffle at the craft fayre on Saturday.
They say things come in threes so I should run out and buy a Lottery ticket. 

Three things I've never done:
watched Titanic;
bought a lottery ticket;
and ... can't think of another obvious one so perhaps the threes rule doesn't apply to me.  

I won't bother buying a ticket.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

You could see it as leaving the odd prize for everybody else!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

How amazing. And to win a Joules voucher.. Upmarket school . Like your coat by the way . And the painting is so wonderful . .. I would buy a lottery ticket , Not seen The Titanic either and I have no reason too .

Debra She Who Seeks said...

My Rare One and I buy one lottery ticket per week on the principle that "You can't win if you don't have a ticket." We haven't won The Big One yet, but fingers crossed! They say the lottery is a tax on the stupid, but I always pay my taxes!

Lisa said...

Buy the ticket! Titanic isn't that great! The sinking scenes go on and on and on! I was like, "Just sink already!"

I love that painting you won! I am not a boat person, never have been, but some of my favorite artwork on my walls features boats! Of course, I do love the beach...

Polly said...

Love the painting, and a Jules voucher, I like their clothes but too expensive for me. Please buy a raffle ticket Liz, you never know. I haven't checked my numbers for weeks, I could be a millionaire! (in my head that's Del Boy saying that!) x

Liz Hinds said...

That's true, Sonata. I'm generous like that.

Thank you, Anne.

I refuse to buy lottery tickets because they peddle hope and it's not the sort of hope I want, Debra. Hope you're lucky! You're definitely not stupid.

Lisa and Polly, no, I'm not buying a ticket!
Joules is too expensive for me too, Polly but I haven't had a new coat for years and the voucher brought it within my range. Just.

nick said...

Three things I've never done: Watched Game of Thrones; bought a smartphone; eaten oysters.

Anonymous said...

Yay on your new coat!
Cop Car