Monday, November 05, 2018

How many pistachios can a pistachio eater eat?

A pj day today - as I believe it is known. Not that I'm not working but that I'm not going out. I have things to do!

Such as finish writing my article for the next (winter) issue of Bay magazine. Having had a good idea for it weeks ago and then, when the time came to write it, failing to recall said idea and coming up with a new one only to conclude it probably was original idea anyway. If you followed that.

After stopping for lunch when I was unable to work out how to finish the article and found myself in an unending spiral I crack it when I return. It must have been the cracking of all those pistachios - a new favourite of mine. I'd never had pistachios until last weekend in Surrey and now I can't stop munching on them. As addictions go it's better than heroin but probably tremendously fattening.

Now I'm re-editing and practising the talk I'm giving to a Mothers' Union meeting tomorrow evening about Zac's. It's a lot easier to talk about something brilliant and worthwhile like Zac's than it is to promote one's self and one's book but it's still a bit nerve-wracking.

Did you know that a talk of about twenty minutes takes roughly 2,500 words? You're supposed to speak more slowly when you're speaking. To a crowd that is. Although I could probably do with speaking more slowly in general: I always worry that people will be bored by what I say so I'd better hurry and I end up leaving out most of the details and the point of the story so my listeners are left confused and resolved not to talk to me again.  

I currently have eight pages of talk and I'm wondering whether I could get away with postcards and headlines on them without panicking that I'm forgetting something.

Meanwhile on a detour I discover that pistachios are good for you for lots of reasons, such as they contain vitamins and antioxidants as well as helping support healthy cholesterol levels. But, yes, you shouldn't eat too many. Then I discover that the recommended amount is one and half ounces a day with about forty-nine pistachios in an ounce. Wow, that's loads!


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Pistachios are good for you and therefore not fattening. Simples.

Liz Hinds said...

Much like ice cream. Thank you, Sonata.

vivien y said...

You probably burn some calories cracking the difficult shells too ☺