Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A bit of a buzz

When you buy rocket, spinach and watercress salad only to discover you don't like watercress.
And our first jar of honey from the hive, courtesy of the bees and Younger Son. Very good. 

Watched the last episode of Bodyguard last night. Well, I wasn't expecting that. Still just a little puzzled over what happened exactly but I usually am. Apparently there could be more series of Bodyguard, especially as its final episode attracted a record number of viewers. I thought it was a little slow and then a bit fast. Could have done with cutting out a bit of the will it explode, won't it explode scenes as we all assumed it wouldn't, but then didn't really explain why the police officer went over to the dark side.

But, as I say, there are likely to be more series although whether the hero will star in them isn't yet known. As someone funnier than me wrote, 'He only had one job.' (And he failed in that if you haven't seen the programme.)

Very much enjoying Killing Eve though. There's nothing like a bit of (warped) humour to bring a drama alive. So many of television's drama series are very black and depressing and life's not like that. Even in the grimmest of situations there's always a bit of humour; it's what helps us get through the rest.

And now I should be practising the talky bit for tonight's bible study. I subjected George to it while we were walking although now I come to think of it he hung back, by a goodly distance, most of the time, until I put my notes away.


Polly said...

I enjoyed The Bodyguard but what happened to the horrible Mike Travis, did he become deputy Home Secretary, and was he a baddie? I'm also enjoying Killing Eve, she has such a matter of fact way of killing people!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Liz, your girls did you proud. Their honey is beautiful.
Cop Car