Thursday, August 09, 2018

No blackberry crumble tonight

My walks with George these days cover maybe a quarter of the distance they used to but take roughly the same length of time giving me plenty of opportunity to choose and eat the finest blackberries.
A couple of weeks ago the blackberries on the tip looked parched and hard; today, following the rain they're big, fat, juicy and sweet. And there are loads of them. But I didn't collect any. If I do I'll have to make crumble and I'll have to eat it - with cream or custard - and I'm supposed to be dieting. (The emphasis being on the word 'supposed' as I had ice cream in Verdi's for lunch today.)

But, I thought, I could post a photo on FaceBook and tell my friend, Maggi, where to find them as she makes blackberry wine every year. Then I remembered she's not on FaceBook. She's not on the internet at all and doesn't use a computer. She's one of those people who 'makes do' with real friends.

She's lived in the village and worked in the local chemist all of her life and she knows everyone and everyone knows her. She chats to everyone and has a smile and a kind word too. She's the happiest person I know, always game with a laugh and smile. (She went skinny dipping on her own at 1.00 am the other week and someone alerted the police, who turned up in force and asked her to come out of the water. She couldn't stop laughing.) She's genuine and while she doesn't have a big house or lots of money she's very rich in love and friendships.

But I can show you my blackberries.


nick said...

Good to know there's someone with so many flesh-and-blood friends she has no need of Facebook or any other internet sites. A very healthy situation.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh about/with your friend - and - the blackberries look luscious!
Cop Car

Sharon said...

Our blackberries didn't do much this year, maybe they need a little fertilizer or something. Yours look so good. Blackberry ice or something?

peppylady (Dora) said...

Crumble does sound good.
Coffee is on

Liz Hinds said...

It is, Nick. She's lovely.

They were, Cop Car.

These are growing on the old council tip, Sharon, so i'm not entirely sure what might be in the ground ... A couple of weeks ago they looked parched and needy; the rain we've had of late has perked them up no end.

mm, I love crumble, Dora.