Saturday, December 16, 2017

I may have overdone it

These last few days I've been quite busy but it's not the physical activity I've overdone: it's the wearing of tight trousers. I now have a sorer belly button. So I'm back in my big baggy trews for the duration.

Meanwhile I have resorted to good old-fashioned paper to draw up the timetable for the coming week. It may look empty at the moment but remember that any spaces will be filled with cleaning and shopping, not to mention wrapping. (What did I just say?!!) And I also have this vague feeling that there are things I've left off, like the just-remembered visiting of relatives. And making soup for Zac's and possible Rubies get-together and ...

But we've had a lovely card from my Australian cousin. I was put  in touch with her and her daughters by Uncle John, who visited them a few years ago. Angie lives in a gorgeous part of Australia, Noosa, and it's wonderful seeing the photos on Facebook of her and her family. Facebook definitely has its good points.
Australian Christmas card
In other news, why Designated Survivor, why? Why did that have to happen? At Christmas time too. When things were going well for one of the characters I said, 'Oh dear, something's not going to happen, is it?'
'No,' Husband said. 'It's Christmas; it will be a nice happy ending.'

But happy endings don't make viewers tune in. 


nick said...

I hope husband will be helping you out with the housework, given you have such a busy schedule ahead of you.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh he will. I have a list prepared for him!