Friday, November 17, 2017

Sanctimonious bullshit

sanctimonious bullshit
I was lying in bed one night and those were the words that came to me. (It was that sort of night: I'd been lying awake for ages amongst other things composing a depressing blog post about perspective, family favourites, dead cousins, Nazis and quashing of the spirit.)

If I were asked for a dictionary definition for sanctimonious bullshit I'd be hard-pressed to come up with one but it just felt right for what I'd had to listen to. So I'm going to store the phrase behind my ear and next time it happens I'll bring it out and let it bob happily on a sea of calm until my anger passes.

P.S. According to Mr Chambers to behave in a sanctimonious way is to simulate holiness especially hypocritically. Rather like the pharisees.


Rose said...

Unfortunately, there's a lot of this stuff coming out of Washington, D.C. these days:(

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Not sure I qualify. I haven't got a lot to be sanctimonius about .

mrsnesbitt said...

If only we could bottle it up and sell it - we'd make a fortune!

Liz Hinds said...

There is, Rose, worryingly so.

Sanctimonious people tend not to worry about that, Sonata.

But who'd buy it, Mrs N?!