Sunday, November 19, 2017

Just because it's a cliche

It's a family tradition that I buy Daughter, and now GrandDaughter1, a personalised Thorntons chocolate heart for their birthdays.

This year, inspired by all the life mottoes that people insist on sharing on FaceBook, I thought perhaps I should choose something different, a slogan for GrandDaughter1's life. So I had a ponder.

First thought: You can be whatever you want to be

Trouble is, that's not true, is it? For example she can't be Queen. Not unless an awful lot of people were to die suddenly. I do have royal blood somewhere in my genealogy but they're mostly Welsh kings - and they don't include the one that counts i.e. Henry Tudor. Of course she might have royal genes on her paternal side but it would still take a disaster on a world scale to bring her to the throne and then people probably wouldn't want a Queen anyway.

So scrap that one. 

What about: Every moment matters?

No, no, it doesn't. Not on the grand scale of things.

Much later
I got distracted looking at sayings on google so I think I'll settle for Happy Birthday, and just show you these:
mottoes to live by


nick said...

"You can be whatever you want to be." One of the most idiotic statements ever invented. Of course you can't. However determined and ambitious you might be, you're still subject to all sorts of limiting factors: your upbringing, your education, your personality, what jobs are available (only one person can be US President), personal networks, good and bad luck etc etc. But it's a good excuse for keeping people down ("You're just not trying hard enough. The reality is you're lazy and workshy")

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Depends on just how quickly she eats chocolate . Perhaps, if you're hoping for a bite yourself , "Chocolate, like love, is to share".
Having watched Sunday's Howards End, I could suggest "One never spreads one's jam with a spoon " .
But I prefer 'Pink is not the only colour'.

nick said...

There's probably already a support group for people who spread jam with a spoon.

Liz Hinds said...

So many of these mottoes sound great until you think about what they mean, Nick.

I like your first idea, Sonata! I somehow missed that Howard's end was beginning. I need to catch up.

And, Nick, is there a support group for people who are putting jam on a sponge layer and then realise they don't have enough and have to change flavour halfway across?

Debbie said...

hehehe, i like all of it!! no further comment as i am a true optimist!!

nick said...

Yes, Liz, just google the Sponge Layer Filling Miscalculation Helpline. Open 24/7.