Friday, October 27, 2017

I need a man!

It grieves me to say this but, 'Where is Husband when I need him?'

I went to get the clothes out of the washing machine and opened the door to find it making a most peculiar noise. A light was flashing, a light I hadn't seen before. I tried to read what it said. Then I went indoors to find my glasses so I could read what it said. (Old flipping age!)

Check Drain.

Oh, okay. Um. Come on, you can do this. Do I look under this little flappy thing? How do I open this little flappy thing? Gets scissors and with careful use of brute force prise it open. 

There's a thing to turn inside it. I turn it and water rushes out. Whoops. Turn it back the other way and find a receptacle. Try again. Gently.

Along with water what I thought at first glance was a piece of glass and a mini motorcycle fell out.
found in the washing machine
On closer observation it turned out to be a piece of glass, a coin and ... something else.

Then I stick my fingers in to see if there's anything else there. Word of Warning: do not stick fingers in a spinning thing. (I am very well up on the correct terminology for bits of machines.) In my defence I didn't realise it was still spinning. Although I could have worked it out by the sound. But don't panic: my fingers are intact. It just gave me a fright.

So, after turning off the machine and thus stopping the spinning I probed again. Probe - that's a good word. Go on, say it slowly and clearly. Probe. 

Couldn't find anything else obvious so switched the machine on again. It's not telling me to check drain but isn't working either. 

I am rather disappointed that I couldn't fix it but I fear there may be a ball of George's hair stuck somewhere inside. Hurry home, Husband! There's a woman here who needs you.


Sharon said...

Oh, expletive! Of course, it's also Friday! I swear, you have my luck. I'm so very sorry.

Trubits of Life. said...

They are always missing when most needed !
love Di xx

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I think you're supposed to unplug anything big and white before you stick your fingers in it !!

Jimmy said...

Oh my goodness, this doesn't look like anything that belongs...

Jay said...

Oh, dear .... I have found some odd things in my washing machine, but never (I don't think) broken glass!