Friday, October 27, 2017

Grannies are great ...

Shell face in the sand
Because they have all the time in the world for walking on walls, inspecting squashed slugs, throwing stones in puddles, paddling in pools, making shell pictures in the sand, studying sticks, reading stories, rescuing ants, and having cuddles.


Sharon said...

Aren't we all? Was that fun?

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Exactly , grannies have all the time in the world ...

Jimmy said...

I have to admit you are right, even though Papa likes to get a little credit sometimes ha ha.

Debbie said...

so cute and i totally get it!!!

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, Sharon!

Even when we don't, sonata.

Yes, granddads can be fun sometimes too, Jimmy!

Of course, Debbie.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I admit... Here.... It's always been "Pop" who had time for the Grands.

Hey, we can't all be PERRRRRFECT "Nana's"!!!!

But then...????? How many can fly a broom? Hu? Hu? Hu?


Happy Haunting!
Luna Crone

Liz Hinds said...

You win on that one, Luna!

Jay said...

Yes! Although this granny is a bit hampered on this one at the moment, I hope to resume my grandmotherly duties soon!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Is that a selfie? ;-)