Friday, September 08, 2017

Falling on deaf ears

'I think that I shall never seeeeeeeeeeee ...a poem lovely as a treeee,' I trilled away merrily as I was dusting.
'I bet everyone wishes they could sing like me, don't you think, George?'
He didn't look up.
'George! I said I bet ...'
'Wait a minute,' he said, sitting up, 'let me take my ear-plugs out then I can hear what you're saying.'

Harsh, George. That's harsh. 'Just for that I'm going to make you move so I can hoover the rug instead of hoovering around you.'


Sharon said...


Beside a babbling brook... said...

LOL We have George beat!

Here, we are both hard-of-hearing. So we can always "beg off," of having heard something, with that excuse.

And since we are both this way, one can't be mad at the other, for "using" it.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Yes , but do you really want him to join in ?