Saturday, August 19, 2017

Trouble in Haiti

A cop for Christ Mike Di Sanza NYPD
Some of you may know that, way back in 2001, a book I ghost-wrote was published by Hodder. Called A Cop for Christ it told the story of a NYPD cop Mike Di Sanza. 

I first met Mike when he came to nearby Port Talbot to stay with the pastor of a church there. The pastor's name is Christy Smith and, some time after A Cop had been published, Christy asked me if I'd be interested in hearing his story with a view to doing the same thing i.e. ghost-writing his autobiography.

So we met up and he began to tell me about his upbringing in Dublin and how disappointed his father had been when he became a pastor. 'He'd been hoping I would follow him into the family business: robbing.'

We continued to meet and I began to work on his book. Then he moved away and we sort of lost touch and the book idea was forgotten about. 

Some years later there was a knock at my door. I opened it and there stood Christy. In the gap between visits he'd had a brain haemorrhage - and he was only 37. We picked up where we left off but again distance and life got in the way. 

I think there was at least one other occasion when we met and swore we'd definitely get it done this time. In fact I even began contacting publishers and interest was expressed by Penguin Ireland ... if they could see the whole manuscript. 

Christy contacted me again a few weeks ago and said he had some time available and he'd be willing to come down and talk again. We finally managed to arrange a date that suited us both and he and his wife visited last Wednesday and Thursday and continued to tell me the story of their lives. 

Lives which take in Haiti, Kosovo, Macedonia, America, Estonia, Spain, Ireland, Manchester, Grenfell Park; you name it Christy was there. In his role as Police Chaplain and part of a rapid response team.

Christy and Linda in Haiti

So I now have a new (-ish) project to work on and this time we're determined. Apart from anything else the internet has made giant steps since we started and now we can skype!

I feel excited about this but also, having tried to make sense of my notes, a little daunted. Never believe yourself when you say, 'It's all right: I'll remember what all this is about.' Just a day or so later and you'll be saying, 'Hare Krishna? Erotic poetry? Mother of woman who ...? What does this mean?'

At the beginning of September I'm planning to go on  a week's retreat. To my study. I'm going to be unavailable (children, please note) as far as the outside world is concerned while I try to break the back of this jumble.

But I'm enthused. Even though I'm not sure how it'll fit in with the rest of my life ...


Sharon said...

I imagine you are anxious to begin again and finish this time! It's a good thing to go MIA and just concentrate on the job at hand! Leave a note on your door and lock it! :-)

Liz Hinds said...

I'm planning to, Sharon! But whether it will work ...