Friday, January 01, 2016

Live extravagantly

A few years ago I made the resolution to live extravagantly. I hope I have on occasion done that over the years but I think it's time to re-resolve.

By live extravagantly I don't mean spend extravagantly. I have no intention of foolishly frittering Husband's hard-earned and squirrelled-away cash. (And Husband would have something to say if I did.) No, I mean live extravagantly.

Without a meanness of spirit but with a generous heart and soul - and passion for life. Live as if it's the only life I have. Make the most of it with extravagant courage and energy. Refuse to be beaten down by the negatives; search out the positives and declare them to be the only possible option. In the face of those who will shake their heads and say, 'just look at the world today,' I will look at the world and see its beauty, all it has to offer.  

I will (continue to) gallop and skip, to roll down hills, to run into the wind pretending to be an aeroplane, to get things wrong, to laugh at myself, to love my family more than life itself, and I will try to be brave. To not give up. To not expect it to rain.

And I won't be disappointed in myself if sometimes I do give up. As long as I try. 


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Good for you . I wish you a happy and joyous New Year !

Mauigirl said...

I love this resolution! Happy New Year, Liz!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

A great piece of writing. One that I should take on board. Actually one that I SHALL take on board. Happy New Year, xo

Leslie: said...

What a wonderful way to live life! I think I will make this my "mantra" for the year and see how it works out. I love so much that I am free, living in a free country, with ways to make my life meaningful. And although I am far from wealthy in financial terms, my home is paid for and I have food on my table. My family and friends gathered around me during my recent "storm" and I'm now looking forward to doing things I love to do, on my own, with the object of giving and receiving joy. Watch out, World! I'm still alive and kicking!

mrsnesbitt said...

Sounds a good one Liz!
happy New Year.

nick said...

To live extravagantly, without a meanness of spirit but with a generous heart and soul - and passion for life. A wonderful objective that I must set for myself as well. We could do with a lot more generosity in the world.

Liz Hinds said...

Happy New year to you all! I intend to visit your blogs as soon as possible!

Katney said...

I think you do live extravagantly. It is a good impression I have of you.

And how are George and Mike?

We have pretty much resolved or had the resolution forced upon us to live a day at a time and sometimes a moment at a time.