Friday, January 22, 2016

Especially for my Russian readers

Vchaira ya goulyaya ce cebakoy : phonetically spelled means 'yesterday I took my dog for a walk. Very roughly. Possibly. 

For some reason I learned one sentence - that one - of Russian when in school. I can't imagine why, or why it has stayed with me. But that's for my Russian readers. It's not actually true as I had women's group yesterday and didn't have time to walk George but I hope by Sunday I will be able to say it truthfully.

Now hair. Most importantly I saw a photo of the new baby, born last night, and very lovely he is too. And Andrew took very good care of me. I think he was working on the wrap-in-cotton-wool principle, looking after me while Mark was away. The style is slightly different from my norm but will soon fall into droopiness when I'm left to dry it myself. 
Dear me, what big eye-bags you have, Granny!

An afternoon spent sitting in the hairdresser's, though it gave me a good opportunity to read Brennan Manning's book - the title of which escapes me - did nothing for my step count. I'm going to have to go a bit to fit in another 6,000 steps before bedtime.


mrsnesbitt said...

Lovely Liz xxx

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, Mrs N!

Unknown said...

Hairdo...very noice!

Suburbia said...

Great hair do and did you say another new addition? If so congrats x

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Robyn and Sub. But the new addition was my hairdresser's!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Very impressed by your Russian ! It made me think of Joyce Grenfell's skit on how everyone but her "had" Greek .

nick said...

I always wonder why my blog gets visitors from so many unlikely countries. Perhaps they think "nickhereandnow" is English for "well-endowed ladies"?