I've always thought or sort of assumed that the root of the word salvation came from save. It doesn't, which makes sense when you realise that there's no L in save.
Anyway according to Chambers Dictionary it comes from the word salve meaning to salvage. I love this idea: that God reaches down into the wrecks of our lives, picks up the usable pieces and turns them into a new and beautiful creation.
Today it's very fashionable to salvage furniture and make it into something new; shops are opening up all over the place. It's reassuring to know that God was upcycling before it became trendy. And will continue to do so when it's no longer fashionable.
Salve! comes from the Latin and means Greetings! or Hallo!
That is another meaning, yes.
The idea of being upcycled is rather cheering . Though it might take a bit more than a lick of paint in my case ...
How interesting, I hadn't realized that. I was almost going to think of "salve," as in a soothing ointment!
Excellent concept! x
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