Sunday, October 04, 2015

The wonders of Lemsip

I am spending the weekend feeling sorry for myself. I seem to have gone down with the throat infection that had daughter and GrandSon2 laid low this past week. 

I do feeling sorry for myself excellently! But after two days am ready now to get better, please.

Incidentally, an interesting side effect of lemsip: works wonderfully as colonic irrigation.

Meanwhile this weekend we've seen England go out of the rugby world cup. They have another game to play in their pool but it's impossible for them to progress to the quarter-finals. Husband is bearing up remarkably well. 


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Unfortunately I have caught the infection too..not good when I have to work. Get well soon. x

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

You have my sympathy ! It's one of the most irritating bugs to get . Apparently cups of tea make your throat scratchier , too . Hot toddies are good , though .

Liz Hinds said...

Hope you're better too, Anne.

I haven't been enjoying my tea it's true, Sonata. and even the sight of the Lemsip packet is starting to make my stomach turn!