Saturday, June 13, 2015

Kissing the Blarney Stone and other scary things

I just read Katney's post about her inability to look down from heights and I have to say I'm with her all the way. 

On our trip to New York in 2000 we didn't get up the Empire State Building because there was too much cloud cover so I didn't have to be brave. 

While Husband was making his way to the top of the Twin Towers I was stuck in a small hotel room interviewing my cop for the book I was behind schedule to finish writing so Husband alone had to psyche himself up to step out onto the glass floor and look straight down from the top.

And making my way up the inside of the Statue of Liberty I threw a wobbly and had to battle against the crowds to get back down. (In my defence I think I did stick my head out on to the balcony just to say I had. But I might be making that up.)

And it's a good job there wasn't a huge queue at the Blarney Castle although I did manage to get in the way of a few people as I walked back and for and um'ed and ah-ed over whether I'd be able to lean out backwards and kiss the blarney stone
It didn't work though: I still don't have the gift of the gab.


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Oh yes you do have the gift of the gab !! it is in your blog posts .. they make me smile . I always come here to see what you have been up too!!

Katney said...

You do have the gift of gab. Some of us have it naturally. And some of us need the Blarney Stone. I think I was able to kiss the Blarney Stone because you have to lie down on your back to do it and so you can't look down. And after all, not long before I had climbed the Duomo.

nick said...

As a general rule, I don't mind heights. I also went to the top of the Twin Towers, and I'm happy to look down sheer drops. But I draw the line at tourist buses on narrow roads with sheer drops. I'd be terrified the bus was going to slip over the edge at any moment.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Anne and katney. I'm better on paper than I am in live conversation though.

It's bad enough when Husband has been driving us around narrow bendy roads on the sides of mountains, Nick. I'm closing my eyes and clinging in for dear life.

Katney said...

I am better on windy roads if I am driving myself. I used to lie down on the bed in the back of the van if husband was driving in the mountains. I missed a lot of scenery that way. Since we haven't had the van for some twenty odd years, I drive. I have done most of the driving since husband got sick anyway.