Saturday, June 13, 2015

I've Never Seen The Sopranos

I'm not sure why but I think it was simply that it was on too late at night i.e. after 10.00 pm, but we didn't watch The Sopranos when it was first broadcast. I liked the look if it and we may even have watched the first episode but that was that.

So now I'm really hoping we're going to love it as we've just bought six seasons on dvd on ebay.

And it's all the fault of Kate Adie.

She was the guest on I've Never Seen Star Wars on Radio 4, where each week a celebrity is challenged to try things they've never done before. In Kate Adie's case this included eating porridge and watching The Sopranos.

She's not a fan of violence on television so Marcus Brigstocke, the presenter, got her to sit and watch The Sopranos. She watched the whole first season in three days and was totally gripped by it. She rated the experience as 9 out of 10. And on that recommendation I ordered the box set. 

I really hope it's as good as she says.

P.S. Kate Adie, if you don't know, is a BBC correspondent who has reported from all parts of the globe and all sorts of situations. As she said herself, she's sat with real-life war lords who've been very charming, and, yes, some of them did have cats. She also recalled one who when he entered the room brought a cold chill with him. It turned out he'd just been killing people in the dungeons.


Katney said...

We didn't follow it when it was on because we don't have cable. So we got some of the first seasons from Netflix. We enjoyed it for a while, then kind of went off it. It is rather compelling, but perhaps I saw a bit of my own Mafia godfather there and decided I didn't want to know what else he might have been doing other than aiding stranded student travelers. You would think I would be over it after 45 or 50 years.

Liz Hinds said...


It was cheaper to buy the box set than it would have been to buy them individually - although if we don't like it won't be cheaper, will it?

nick said...

I've never seen The Sopranos. Maybe I should listen to Kate Adie and try it out. We're watching The Affair on Sky Atlantic. Totally riveting.

Liz Hinds said...

WE don't have Sky, Nick, but have you watched The Bridge? A Scandinavian police drama. Excellent.