Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's day lunch

Daughter said, 'On Father's Day you can come to us for a barbecue.' From there it somehow turned into, 'We'll come to you and you can make pie.'
PieMinister's almost Moo Pie to be exact. With PieMinister's minty mushy peas and mash. It would have been better if I could have got them out of the tins to dish up but they were firmly stuck in. It didn't look quite like the original but tasted jolly good. And Daughter confirmed that her PieMinister spinach, cheeses and pine nut pie was just as good. At least I think it was: she was first to clear her plate.

Daughter and Grandchildren made dessert, a yummy summer fruits pavlova.


Furtheron said...

Thursday I think it was my daughter said "How would you like to go out for Father's Day meal on Sunday?" "I would indeed. Thank you".

She booked the time and place on line a restaurant I like. Anyway then the day comes and she says "I can get student discount there but someone else will have to pay" LOL!

My wife kindly picked up the tab, after I'd got the discount - I qualify as a student actually although people look a bit oddly as me as I produce my NUS card... mature student and all that... ahem...

Liz Hinds said...

Nice one. the intention was good ...