Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Just what I've always wanted

I recently received a Lakeland catalogue and yesterday afternoon I settled down to look at it very excited at the prospect of all those pans and baking essentials - yes, I know that's sad but the way I look at it some people get excited by power tools, shoes or handbags; for me, it's saucepans every time.

Imagine then my disappointment when I discover it's 100 pages of cleaning and storage stuff! Seriously? There are tools in it to clean things I didn't even know you were supposed to clean. My favourite item though - and one that will be top of my Christmas wish list this year - stay dry sleeve protectors. It was close between that and the water-stop gloves but the elegance of the former, not to mention the personal recommendation of Kelly from Marketing, swung it for me.
P.S. To my children, if you think it might be fun to buy these for mum, be warned: I WILL disinherit you.


nick said...

Goodness, I had no idea there were such things as sleeve-protectors! My sleeves get wet sometimes from the washing-up but I just stoically let them dry out, lol.

I can't get excited by saucepans either. I like a nice teapot though....

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I do love the Lakeland catalogue ! It makes me feel virtuous , somehow . All those things I don't want ... let alone need .

Unknown said...

We use to use sleeve protectors in the office I worked in after I left school to protect our sleeves from the residue of carbon paper. But they weren't nearly so nice as those...just opaque plastic things that eventually turned blueish purple from carbon ink.