Monday, October 14, 2013

the Monkey's Forehead

'The Monkey's Forehead is a silly name for a pub,' I remarked to Husband as we drove past.
There was a moment's pause then he said, 'You do know it's slang for a lady's bits?'
'Really? ... Then it's an even sillier name for a pub.'


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

YOu have a new blog Liz .. I think it is a stupid name for pub too, wonder how they came up with it. :-)

Ole Phat Stu said...

I assume they serve Coq-au-Vin there? ;-)

Leslie: said...

Doesn't make any sense to me that it's a name for "lady's bits." ??? I just don't get it.

Liz Hinds said...

It's aimed at the student market, anne.

Undoubtedly, stu.

Nor me, leslie!

CherryPie said...

That is a new one on me!!

Ole Phat Stu said...

"The Monkey's Forhead"
is an anagram of
"Soothe freaked hymen"
is that's at all relevant? ;-)

nick said...

Well, I never knew it meant that. Goodness knows what the connection is. I guess it would be a silly name for a pub if it was obvious what it meant, but given that it isn't....

Liz Hinds said...

Me too, cherrypie.

... it's still a silly name for a pub,nick.