Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ta dah!

I have my 'wedding dress'! Yay! And it was quite a simple shopping expedition: two shops, five dresses. 

Now all I need is a shrug, shoes, headpiece, bag and jewellery. Should be a doddle. Oh yes and bra that doesn't stick out above the dress. 

Also need to be lose a bit of fat from my tummy. Not such a doddle. Facelift would also help.

Never mind, I'm on the way.


Leslie: said...

Oh goody, Liz. What colour? I'm sure you're going to look like a stunning British (oops, Welsh)Lady of the Empire!

Rose said...

Wow, did I miss something? Are you getting married again??

Sorry, I haven't had any caffeine yet this must mean a dress for Younger Son's wedding--right? Last year I spent months trying to find a dress for Daughter's wedding; I think I spent more time shopping than I did for my own wedding dress! Glad you found one already; I'm sure you'll look beautiful in it, Liz.

Liz Hinds said...

It's dark blue, leslie. And I can't put on any weight between now and then!

Quite right, Rose! For the last two children's weddings I took longer but I still need to find the accessories and I'm sure that will take ages!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

You will look fab .. I am sure you have no weight to lose.. Cannot wait to see the photos. :-)

How is you Italian going LOL