Thursday, July 19, 2012

Please leave the gate open

(Now why has Blogger done that to my font?)
George was off and away this morning for a while before Husband asked where he was and I remembered I'd let him out much earlier. 'Just before the postman came.'
Fortunately it's bin day so he hadn't gone far; he was down the road opposite going through their black sacks.

But I noticed that our garden is looking particularly colourful and pretty. At least the bits Husband is in charge of are. My bit of garden is washed out and battered. I'm not showing you a photo of that.


Katney said...

The text is attaching itself to the image as part of the link to a larger version. I get that often, but manage to separate it--I think by entering a couple of line breaks (hit enter a couple of times) then use the up arrow to get above the space, then type, then delete to close the space. At least I think that is what i do. If I tried to reproduce the situation and check on it it would probably not happen.

jams o donnell said...

Still nice blooms Liz!

nick said...

Perhaps you should try "Please close the gate to avoid man-eating tiger escaping"

CherryPie said...

Your garden is looking lovely :-)

Liz Hinds said...

I tried things like that, katney, but not the right things obviously!

Thanks, jams and cherrypie.

Now that's an idea, nick.

Rose said...

I started to leave a comment here yesterday, but got interrrupted. Just wanted to say your garden is looking lovely, Liz! I'm not surprised if part of it is looking battered, if you have had the rain the rest of the UK has had. Some of my plants are looking brown and shriveled because we've had just the opposite--not enough rain. That's why I show so many close-ups on my blog posts!

Good thing it was garbage pick-up day, or who knows how far George might have gone:)

James Higham said...

A springloaded closing device on the gate?

Furtheron said...

They are changing deliveries in our area - new huge sorting office for whole of our county. Nice letter saying they were sorry if our deliveries were later, they were trying to keep them all in the mornings... we're lucky to get ours before 3pm most days... this rate they'll be delivering at 9pm not am