Friday, July 06, 2012

My cunning plan

Husband and I are embroiled in an ongoing argument - no, discussion - no, you can't even call it that as Husband refuses to consider the options: he is definitely not getting a new suit for Younger Son's wedding. 
1) There is no point spending all that money on a suit he'll never wear again.
2) He has a perfectly good suit leftover from his work days; it only needs cleaning.

So today I asked him if he'd like to come to Marks & Spencer's with me to choose something for GrandSon1's first birthday. He reluctantly agreed (it was raining and peak traffic time)  but what do you think we 'discovered'? Men's suits are just alongside children's wear.  It seemed silly not to have a look as he was there.

And why not try on a jacket? Just for size. And style. Admittedly it was hard to judge exactly how a suit would look when the jacket was worn with a bright yellow t-shirt and khaki shorts but still. Step One completed.

The battle's not over yet.


CherryPie said...

Does the old suit still fit?...

NitWit1 said...

Yeah, fit is important--does the old one fit. Unfortunely if it were myself, the answer is no.

But my husband has lost more weight than I, and his clothes DO NOT FIT either!

nick said...

I haven't possessed a suit since I was 20. For any formal occasions I just wear some smart trousers and a smart jacket. It's funny how suits are still the done thing at weddings (and funerals).

Suburbia said...

Yay! Go for it Liz!!

Katney said...

But for weddings and funerals you can rent a suit. I say rent a tux. Mike would look smart in a tux.

Furtheron said...

I don't fight battles like that with Mrs F ... a) Mrs F is undoubtedly correct b) I'll lose in the long run no matter what c) life is way too short

Liz Hinds said...

It does, cherrypie, but ...

I hate it when Husband loses more weight than i do, nitwit!

I'm not sure how formal it will be in Italy, nick. I should check with Fiancee.

Sneaky wins the day, sub!

I love a man in a tux too, katney, but I think he'd feel overdressed in that.

Wise decision, furtheron.