Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Flashed at

Driving down Mayals hill I was surprised when lots of cars coming up the hill flashed their lights at me. 'Why are you doing that? Have I got my lights on? Do I know you? Do I have spinach on my teeth?'
I was so busy trying to work out the reason I almost sped past the police car with its speed camera set up. 

It made me wonder if there's a secret code that everyone knows except me. If so, maybe it should be written into the highway code: to warn others of speed trap, flash lights twice quickly followed by a gap followed by 2 slow flashes. Or something like that so at least everyone is flashing to the same tune.

If I get a speeding ticket I shall tell them that.


Leslie: said...

That's the universal sign that there is a police trap ahead.

Liz Hinds said...

Really? No-one told me!

Anonymous said...

Please don't speak to the police about it or discuss it further online. Those nice people were committing a crime to save your licence.

nick said...

What Leslie said. I'm surprised nobody ever told you!

As for Anonymous, as the old saying goes, a good police force is one that catches more criminals than it employs....

Katney said...

I didn't know it either.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

that is as Leslie says Universal .... even I knew that, I am NOT a driver :-)

Ole Phat Stu said...

"Ma'am, do you know how fast you were going?"

If you confess you did, then they do you for deliberate speeding. If you say no, they do you for driving without due care and attention.

I've tried "At that speed, you want I should look at the speedo?"
and "No, but I know exactly where I am and my name is Werner Heisenberg".
Neither worked :-(