I quickly decided that might be a bit extreme but a week's hibernation is do-able, don't you think? no? Okay.
This is one of the rare occasions when I wish we had a television in the bedroom. Curling up in bed with some mindless tv or A Wonderful Life is just what the doctor ordered.
Actually the doctor ordered antibiotics but that's another story.
Sorry you are poorly. I think a weeks hibernation is definitely possible!
Yes, do stay in and hibernate for a while. Sometimes, one simly has to - for sanity's sake.
Good news from my friends in Andover - their newest (preemie) grandson came home today! So besides all you wonderful ladies I'm going to visit next year, there will be 2 little boys to meet!
Stay in bed warm and cosy - and buy that TV...it's great when you're not feeling well.
Mindless TV is the best medicine.
Had to grin at the connotational title, Liz ;-)
When I am not feeling well, hibernation often cures all, but antibiotics hasten the project.
I generally have the TV going and my Kindle on some book and something hot to drink.
THen I fall asleep...usually the best remedy of all.
Aye hibernation is good. I can't wait for the lounge to be finished so we can snuggle up in front of the fire! Snow is forcast too!
Feeling much better now, thank you, sub.
It will be fantastic to see you again next year, leslie.
Indeed it is, katney.
An oldie but goodie, stu.
I seem to be having trouble sleeping at the moment, nitwit; my head is too full I suspect!
Snow, mrs n?! Excellent for hibernation.
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