Sunday, October 09, 2011

Monday's Odd Shots

Probably aren't too many of those in Swansea.


jams o donnell said...

If the world really needs something it is definitely lady bee keepers with a very high sex drive. I think it would make the world a far happier place!

NitWit1 said...

Hmmm discount for nymphomaniacs? I am a senior citizen and get 10% lots of places like motels, drug store, etc. Sure would hate to compete with nymphomaniacs.

Knatolee said...

WHile I am a lady apiarist, I am sadly not a nymphomaniac so I suppose I will hve to play full price. Damn it all!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

What aren't there a lot of in Swansea ? Nymphomaniacs or apiarists ?

Furtheron said...

you might bee surprised.

(surprised I'm 5th comment and no one got there beefore me!!!) I'll stop now