'Yes and no.'
'Well, excuse me for asking.'
Girlfriend's parents and brother are arriving from Italy today ready for Girlfriend's graduation ceremony on Friday. They're not staying with us but will be coming to our house so I don't want them thinking their daughter has been living in a tip for the last year. It's not usually this bad it's just that, well, I've been busy.
Actually it's not that bad anyway because Girlfriend has been a cleaning fairy. Each time we go away we come back to something cleaned. It's very lovely.
They're staying in my cousin's holiday cottage, which is where his mum, my great-auntie Vi used to live. I hadn't been in the cottage for years - probably not since Auntie Vi's funeral - and they've modernised the downstairs quite a lot. Where there were two small rooms there is now one larger room; I can't say large because they're little fishermen's cottages. (We get a lot of little fishermen in Wales.)
The last time I was there the wallpaper in the front room was covered in monkeys. Auntie Vi hadn't realised it until she put it up then she thought it was hilarious and pointed it out to everyone. It was meant to be a sort of Chinese-temple thing, willow-pattern type stuff, but the designer got carried away with the wildlife.
So, anyway, I'm taking a short break from cleaning for lunch and blogging.
Husband said, 'What are we having for dinner?'
Another result of our frequent absence is scarcity of food. I looked in the pantry and the fridge and came to the conclusion, 'We could have macaroni cheese.'
'With bacon?'
'If you want to go and get some bacon.'
'Or we could have vegetable curry.'
'I haven't had meat for a week.'
'You had lasagne on Friday, Saturday and yesterday (a long story); that's meat.'
'No, that's mushed up meat; I mean proper meat.'
'Well, if you want to go and get some ...'
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