However since Easter Day I've struggled to write on more than a couple of days. Which is very odd. I'd hoped and planned to maintain the discipline but somehow without that compulsion, rule, I don't know what you'd call it, I've failed miserably.
I was telling Husband this and told him he had to set me a deadline to finish the novel. 'Okay,' he said. 'Thursday.'
So ignoring Husband I'm going to try again to make sure I write a bit of novel every day. I shall report on here how many words I've completed daily - and it doesn't matter how many that is: the important thing is the doing.
Today I've written 469 words.
yes Liz the important thing IS the doing...
luv saz x
A Very "Novel" effort. Continue!!
set a reasonable realistic deadline and get someone else to help monitor... or use the blog and us
It's apparently good to treat writing like a job .
I remember , years ago , a friend's father was a writer whose wife would send him off to his garden shed/study till lunch time five days a week . He used to emerge very convivial and with a slight whiff of brandy ....
set a reasonable realistic deadline and get someone else to help monitor
The important thing is you make progress little by little.
Some days that might not mean getting words on paper but formulating ideas so that you can move forward.
Hi Saz, it is indeed.
Thank you, capturedalive!
I'll use you as you're cheap, furtheron!!
Took his work very seriously then, sonata! Did she ever check what he was really doing?
that's the sensible thing to do, stu.
Yes, that's true, cherrypie.
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