Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yay, me!

After weeks of hovering nearly there, I finally got my Two Stone certificate today. I don't want to lose any more and I won't worry if I put a bit back on - just a little bit! - but it's nice to have got there.

I celebrated with half a Toffee Crisp. And, when I've been out to buy some orange juice, I'll be making date flapjacks for Zac's tonight - and I LOVE those.


Rose said...

Congratulations, Liz! You deserve to celebrate for achieving such a milestone. I've only lost a couple pounds in the last few weeks, yet I had a pre-celebration last night with some cappucino chocolate chip ice cream--probably put back all the pounds I've lost:)

A belated very Happy Birthday to Granddaughter!

jams o donnell said...


sally in norfolk said...

well done to you... i cannot seem to get the scales to budge at the moment :-( Do you think going to a class makes it easier ???

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Congratulations Liz .. .. that is a lot to lose .. well done.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Rose. I've been eating all day to celebrate!

thanks, jams.

Definitely, sally. I know what I should and shouldn't do but it's the incentive of the class - and it's fun.

Thanks, anne.

Katney said...

How many pounds is a stone? It is not a measurement we use here.

Mauigirl said...

Wow, that's very impressive, congratulations!