Husband is less than encouraging when he reminds me that there is an annual award for the Worst Sex Scene but as Younger Son points out, 'All publicity is good publicity.'
But what constitutes a bad sex scene? YS suggests I buy some top shelf magazines and read the stories in those; I feel literary erotica would be more helpful. I wonder if the librarian could recommend a good example.
Or maybe, you, loyal readers, could suggest some titles?
But bear in mind that I blush easily.
You blush !! Really .. :-)Top shelf mags are mostly PORN .. I would think that the library is the best place to look .
I think it is amazing that you are wreiting a novel ... I can hardly write for my blog ...
I am wondering what era this book is in .... that all depends on the title ...
ooops I made a spelling mistake . really annoys me when I see it later... should be "writeing" not wreiting....
My husband's aunt used to write stories for true confessions type magazines. She also wrote chlidren's books and one historical novel which was published when she was about 78. You will be much younger than that when yours hits the shelves.
A simple bit of research and I discovered this...
5 points of advice to help you through it.
Also this...which tells you what not to put in...surprisingly, they say you shouldn't use the word "Magic Wand" when referring to a penis. shocker.
Man and woman go to bed - man in ancient pajamas, she in figure hiding flanelette nigthie, air in curlers and face pack (green coloured for preference). They read then after a while turn off the light. He starts to cares her but she says "Not tonight dear"
Problem solved?
Is there going to be "I have an headache" line at the end?
Just kidding.... but I'll pass on this one. I suggest literary, maybe what we call romance paperbacks in USA if you don't want to spend a lot of money, or go to library as a "researcher."
Bad sex scenes? Goodness, there are so many. It's so difficult to write about sex in a way that's romantic and tender rather than clumsy and mechanical. Sorry, I can't actually put my finger on any particular examples right now. If I find any, I'll return!
Grabbing him by the doodahs sounds like a good way to describe it. Run with it!
I seem to remember enjoying a scene in birdsong by Sebastian faulks! However i think it was pretty racy! Will let you know if any others come to mind. Ella x
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