Thursday, February 17, 2011

The perfect wiggle

It's amazing what a slow slow quick quick slow foxtrot with the polisher around the hall can do to lift one's spirits. With Rod Stewart belting out Beyond the sea the floor has never been so polished. I tell you, Wise and Rippon had nothing on me and the polisher (the polisher playing the Angela Rippon part of course). We sashayed and we swooped till I was completely wrapped up in cord and had to stop. But such drama, such flourish!

I may not be an award-winning - or even successful - writer but I have the perfect wiggle (our dance teacher told me so).

1 comment:

NitWit1 said...

It is nice to know you have at least one talent! But I believe you have many more not the least your work at Zakes, your writing, and your family, most importantly.