The next day I got home from work early afternoon to find Elder Son and Daughter-in-law had already arrived - and I hadn't been home long before Daughter, Son-in-law, GrandDaughter, Holly Dog and Charlie Cat all arrived too. So that put paid to the last-minute cleaning I was planning on doing. Shame.
Friday evening I watched the first half of the Wales versus Fiji game before I gave up in disgust and helped Daughter prepare party food instead. (End result, a pathetic draw leading me to say out loud the unthinkable: maybe I'll start supporting England instead. Don't worry, I'll have got over it by Saturday when Wales take on - and beat!!!! - the All Blacks! It's not impossible. Unlikely yes but impossible, no. No, it's not. No, definitely not impossible ... big big sigh.)
Then Saturday morning I'd booked us in for a photo session. One of the young men from church is setting himself up as a photographer and this was his first weekend in a studio and I'd booked his first appointment.
Of course, what I should have done before getting everyone up early and out was to check exactly where the studio was.
The fact that the location I took us to was actually about 20 minutes in the opposite direction of the studio didn't endear me to people. We finally got to the studio an hour late ...
But we all relaxed then, the photographer put us at ease, we had a great session and I'm longing to see the end results. Which must be better than the photos I took of GrandDaughter at her party.
Where am I? Oh, yes, Saturday ... I'll start a new post I think before you get too bored.
That harp tree is amazing! Very ingenious of whover it was added the strings. I hope Wales beats the All Blacks, but...
I am preparing myself for Saturday, leslie. I shall have to stock up with Maltesers to take away the pain.
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