Oh dear.
I tried to get her a present in town this afternoon. I only thought of it today but I knew what I wanted. Unfortunately that wasn't a good thing as no-one had it. Even though I walked around town 4 times re-visiting all the same shops just in case I'd missed it first time round.
One man said he had it in his back room but wasn't getting it out until Tuesday.
Oh dear.
That is not the right attitude to have as a shop keeper or manager whatever he is .. .!!
Can I ask a question ... Is it one of those huge baptism pools .. aren't you in with her .. Or am I mis-understanding this. Do padre's or vicars or priest not have to Baptise .. Just asking Liz ..
Could you make her a gift voucher/IOU? But DO NOT take it in the baptismal with you Liz!
Anne - I think it is one of the large pools you have in mind but will leave Liz to answer the second part of your question. And hi!
Dying to know what the present you are looking for is!
Yes, anne, it is a large baptismal pool and I will be in with her. I'm getting Husband to film it so all will be made clear later tomorrow.
Do you have to do the speaking? Or is the pastor doing that? I like Shirl's idea of a gift voucher.
Not getting it out till Tuesday? That reminds me of London shops that used to say they couldn't get the last remaining pair of jeans, shirt etc out of the window because it would spoil the window display....
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