Child and toyshop are words that spring to mind. All those books! To take away for free. And not just books but cds, dvds, and audiobooks too. I didn't know where to start.
AND it has magic checking out machines that can read isbn details through the covers!
Of course I love to have books of my own and a house isn't a home without books but borrowing allows more freedom. I can try authors I've never heard of and if I don't enjoy them, it doesn't matter. I don't have to feel obliged to read it as I didn't have to pay for it. Even though a large percentage of the books I have these days were sourced from car boot sales or charity shops. But there's a certain predictability about the books you're most likely to find in second-hand places: authors like Danielle Steel, Jackie Collins and Lee Child all feature heavily.
I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted saying this but it's been such a wonderful - I was going to say revelation but renewal of a friendship is a better phrase.
You don't have to convince this retired librarian.
So glad you have rediscovered the library. We have a small library in my town.
I look forward to affording a Kindle or similar reader and buy books. I don't want a huge library to dust.
He/she who reads does not have an idle mind.
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