Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My nose is ridiculous

No matter what time of year or day it is, my nose runs. And if I have to bend over to do something it's as if a tap has been turned on.

I've always been unable to go out without a hankie and I used to think it was normal but it appears that other people don't have permanently runny noses.

I am reminded of that Grey's Anatomy episode where it was discovered that a patient's runny nose was his brain leaking out.

It would explain an awful lot ...


CalumCarr said...

You must have had a huge brain at birth!

Now that could be taken several ways. I meant it the good way.

Jay said...

Hahahaha! I doubt it's your brain, seriously. LOL!

My permanently runny nose turned out to be an allergy to cats. Once I stopped keeping them as pets, my runny nose cleared right up.

CherryPie said...

My nose always seems to run after I have eaten...

Dr.Stu said...

Were you perhaps born upside down?
Your nose then runs and your feet smell? ;-)

No seriously: it's a symptom of low blood pressure, usually.

Gledwood said...

O dear me. I used to think I was a human snail and wherever I went I left my brain trailing along pavements, floors and stairs behind me.

I was taking lots of acid at the time though...

Rose said...

Oh dear, I always have a runny nose, too...maybe that's why I keep forgetting things lately--I'm losing brain cells!

Liz Hinds said...

Um, yes, I'll believe you, calum.

I'm probably allergic to dogs, jay. So guess that's that then.

Oh yes, food makes it run too, cherrypie.

Most of us are born upside down surely, dr stu?

Honest, gledwood, i'm not taking acid. Nor am I a snail.

That's two of us, rose!