Sunday, July 04, 2010

A good day behind bars

Had a great time in prison today.

Andy came in and talked about how he became a Christian when he was in prison. The congregation included - as well as the inmates of course - a deputy governor and an imam.

What Andy had to say went down really well. It's all very well people like me and other well-meaning souls going in and telling the men how wonderful Jesus is but it's completely different when someone who's been in their position, who knows the misery and guilt, talks to them.

I didn't realise until afterwards when he told me he was going home to have a cup of tea and to collapse that I realised how nervous Andy had been. But he was brilliant.


Gledwood said...

... a great time in prison today...

Liz you do worry me.That 1st sentence gave me images of you packing a pair of black leather gloves a la The Freak in Prisoner Cell Block H..!

Gledwood said...

What happened to Prisoner Cell Block H by the way? Along with Return to Eden and Funky Squad ~ that's the Holy Trinity of classic Aussie telly!

Gledwood said...

PS the best church service I ever went to was in a mental hospital. The preacher, who was on heavy medication felt it necessary to tell a tale about being caught short with diarrhoea and nearly doing a poo on somebody's door step. Then during the hymns a deranged Indian woman in peach-coloured robes tried to pick up the piano!
Absolute classic!
Church has never been so much fun and I just wish I could go every week. (As long as I wasn't sectioned.)

Gledwood said...

Did I tell you about my friend? I'm sure I mentioned it somewhere in your comments. I'm trying to write a post on it in German but can barely bring myself to. The English one will come after. A terrible terrible situation. Why do people do stuff like that?

James Higham said...

Does Gledwood ever comment here these days, Liz?

mrsnesbitt said...

How nice - I bet he was wonderful yet humble - a real good man. Yes dear we are blessed. Dxx

Liz Hinds said...

Black leather gloves, gledwood? Well, now you come to mention it ...
(Yes, you did tell me about your friend.)

Rarely, james.

Have a good week, mrs n.