Thursday, June 17, 2010


I've got a commission!!!!!!!

Waaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! ......

Sorry, I had to run around the garden screaming.

I've been commissioned to write an article for The Bark, an American doggy magazine. Cent per word for more money than I've ever been paid for writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, got to go and scream again!!!!!!!!

I'm quite pleased; can you tell?


NitWit1 said...

Absolutely, go scream again and my congratulations. I know you are talented and able to to an awarding winning job.

Since it is an American magazine maybe I'll be able to find it.

Dragonstar said...

Scream as much and as loud as you like - then do it again! Wonderful news Liz!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! Waaaaaahhhhh.


Leslie: said...


Can you hear me now? LOL

jams o donnell said...


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Congratulations !!!!!!!!
word verification is crenwoof

CherryPie said...

Well done :-) :-) :-)

Rose said...

Congratulations, Liz! This is so exciting! I know you'll do a great job on the article. I suppose George deserves a little treat, too, for providing much of your expert experience:)

Furtheron said...

Congratulations. See and after all the sighing the other day...

Trubes said...

Wow....You and George in print...
Wonderful news....Congratulations.
Looking forward to seeing your first publication.


nick said...

Do I see George wagging his tail furiously?

Ole Phat Stu said...

Off Topic : This is for Gareth@Zacs

Gledwood said...


Are you sure Bark isn't the magazine of the society of professional tree surgeons. I'd check that one out, Liz (haha!)

sally in norfolk said...

Brilliant !