Monday, March 29, 2010

You're having a laugh

I got into work this morning to find this on the wall:If Alun had still been working with me I'd have blamed him ... but he was in church yesterday morning ... so he could have put it up ...


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

And ,if Blogger hadn't decided to hide all photos , I might have even tried to hazard a guess .

Anonymous said...

I saw it on your FB page, hilarious, love it.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Amazing !

Devonshire Dumpling said... is a domain controlled by two nameservers having a total of six IP numbers. Some of them are on the same IP network. There seemed to be 17 servers that 1bp passed through (it houses google/Liz's photos) and server 16 was down last night and so in consequence we could not see Liz's photos. For once I don't blame google. I do ask when trying to access her blog it actually opened 236 ports on my computer! so I do wonder quite where Liz's photos are stored and where her photos are uploaded to?

Furtheron said...

Err... I can see it no problem... that's one of those picture if you squint you can make them out isn't it :-) Is it Les Denis?

Word Veri - Phooni - I kid not... you can't make this stuff up!

Liz Hinds said...

DD, I don't really understand what you're saying but ... I just upload photos the same as anybody does (I assume). Unless, of course, my photos are so special that blogger puts them in a little compartment labelled 'Good for a laugh'.

Don't be silly, furtheron, it's Jeremy Beadle!