Monday, March 08, 2010

What I should have said

I was lying on the floor after circuit training, supposed to be relaxing, and all I could think of was what I should have said to someone this morning.

It's so annoying when that happens.

I'd been telling someone - let's call him Charlie - how I'd been struck by the simplicity and power of the early church (as I blogged last Wednesday), and saying how far we'd come from that ideal. I also mentioned how impressed I'd been by the fact that people were attracted by what they saw.

Charlie pointed out that those were different days and there was no social services and that the church is no longer the first port of call for those in distress. And that, if the church was being born now, it would look different. From that he somehow got on to these mega and very theatrical churches like Hillsong and Willow Creek, and how some churches are attractional when they should be incarnational.

And, as usual, I ended up thinking, 'Yes, you're right; I'm wrong.'

But now I want to say, 'Why? Why would it look different?' I mean obviously it would look different physically but the underlying basis, the caring and sharing, and the teaching of Christ are still the most important and the things that would attract. And that the early church didn't 'attract' in the way grand productions and flashy shows attract, but they attracted because they were incarnational. Because they were living a life that said Jesus.

So that's what I should have said.

I always used to think Charlie was very clever - and he is very good at articulating and arguing and debating - but I've realised that he's very well-read and gets most of his arguments from books. That's not necessarily a bad thing - but it's not original.

Right, so I got that out of my system. Husband said I should phone Charlie and tell him but he'd only come up with other arguments and I'd end up losing again. So I'll just settle for blogging.


Leslie: said...

I find that if anyone argues about a point I disagree with, I end up being silent. I chatted with a former Baptist pastor (he'd left the church and become a prof at a Xian university) and he said he had a lot of issues with the current thinkings...however, he still attends, takes what he wants from the sermon, and forgets about the rest.

MissKris said...

You know, I've come to the conclusion I'm quite content with what I have spiritually and I've gotten to the point I won't discuss theological viewpoints at all any more. Experiences, joys, sorrows...yes. As to who's right, who's wrong, and anywhere in's a personal walk to be interpreted individually. And if a person IS content with what they have and believe, that's the battle won right there.

Selina Kingston said...

I find it very difficult to talk about anything spiritual. I'm not clever enough to defend myself against people who are determined to argue against it. I know what I believe though and so I leave it at that.
I like your blog by the way!

Furtheron said...

I often wonder what Jesus would make of the church today... esp. Roman and all that or Canterbury Cathedral.

I wonder if the second coming won't be like the first with him overturning tables etc.

CherryPie said...

I always find with those sort of people it is best to just let them get on with it. You will never get them to accept anything other than their own opinion. Especially if you present them with a new and original idea.

So I think blogging is a good way to get it off your chest :-)