Lenten thanks 21
I am very grateful for the new Severn Bridge. It cuts off even more of the journey from Wales to the West Country than the old Severn suspension bridge used to, and far more than the old drive all the way round through Gloucestershire. Not that I remember that. Any trips we made to the West Country when I was a child were made on the train - the smelly old steam train that went through the tunnel under the river. You had to make sure the windows were closed when you approached the tunnel else your compartment would be filled with smoke.That's a photo I found on the internet: I'm in Devon and don't have access to my photos of the bridge. Not only am I grateful for the usefulness of the bridge, I appreciate it for its beauty. It's a truly lovely creation, with fabulous lines and colours. I am in awe of the design and engineering skills that went into its construction, not to mention the actual feat of building across fast-flowing tidal water.And now I'm safely in Devon and GrandDaughter keeps crying at me! I am feeling very unlovely.
I've travelled BOTH bridges plus used the train! I love the new bridge, too, for its architectural beauty! Reminds me a bit of our Alex Fraser Bridge over the Fraser River.
Maybe Elin is just at that age where she takes "strange" to everyone but Mommy and Daddy. She'll be fine and so will you. Please give her a big Canadian hug from me. :D
She isn't cry at you - she is just at that stage of beginning to notice stuff and stuff keeps changing and that is a bit tricky to understand when you are little like her.
I've only used the new bridge - with my new found love of Wales - I'd only been once before when I was a teenager to a holiday in Aberyswyth! Bloody place haunts me now! :-)
This is such a wonderful bridge.
I love going over it and taking my sister over it last year was great as she had never been over it before.
Much love
I remember the rushing to close windows in trains as tunnels were approached ! The smuts in eyes and spit-washes too . Eeeugh ! There are some things that one's grateful to see the back of .
As for Granny's temporary relegation ..... it's crushing and we've all been through it but it's temporary . You'll be dressing her dollies , telling her stories and baking buns for her very soon. Grannies Rock !
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