Because I thought a tea dance might sound a bit boring I went out the front in church yesterday to encourage people to come along.
Having told everyone how sexy proper dancing is I'd just suggested they come along and get up close and personal when both my former and current bosses spoke up simultaneously, 'Okay, perhaps you'd better sit down now!'
Wassamatter? Can't I say sexy in church on a Sunday morning?
It appears not! Haha!
Let's wait and see how many from the congregation come to the dance.
I'm sure you'll let us know if any get too close and sexy!
Can't understand why you can't get sexy on a Sunday. I always thought that was what Sundays were for. lol
Much love
Oh Liz! You DO make me laugh! I can just see the reaction in "my" church had you announced that. lol
You have my permission to say anything you can get away with, but "sexy" must not be one of those words.
Then I might not use sexy in my church either, but I am known as a non-conformist.
Why is sexy so different on a Sunday than any other day of the week? Hey, at least you'd have given them a laugh. If I'd have been there, I would have guffawed...
Obviously not.
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