Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tumble-drying the untumble-dryable

What do you think? Can you tumble dry things that say 'Do not tumble dry'?

I vary. Sometimes I won't; sometimes I can see no reason why not so I do. So far it's proved successful. But I have a blouse that I want to wear tonight and it's soaking. Do I risk it? Perhaps I'll just give it a little tumble dry and see how it goes. I mean how much harm can it do?


Anonymous said...

I have no idea i've never had a tumble dryer.

A. xx

Katney said...

tumble it dry with no heat--air fluff. It might be better.

Anonymous said...

I'm always tumble-drying the un-tumbleable. Sometimes they melt.

You have been warned! ;)

Liz Hinds said...

Well, I put it in for a little bit and then panicked and left it on the radiator to dry - I had to put the central heating on so it might have been the most expensive drying a blouse ever had!

I don't have one of those settings, Katney. Mine is very basic with a hot and a not-so-hot settings.

I've had things shrink but never melt, Jay. What exactly was it?!