Anyway I wrapped one up and gave it to Daughter for her birthday and I finished reading the other last week. It is utterly delightful.
It's a mix of 84 Charing Cross Road and Diary of a Provincial Lady with, as one of the blurbs says, a bit of 'Allo, 'Allo' thrown in. ('Allo, 'Allo was a sitcom set in occupied France, which, when I think about it, is a strange subject for a sitcom.)
There isn't really a great deal of plot but a whole crowd of wonderful characters with their own little stories. A light and engaging read, which I thoroughly recommend.
I've seen that book mentioned and want to read it sometime. But I currently have such a pile I won't have to go to the library for weeks.
I remember "'Allo, 'Allo!" It was very funny. We get a lot of British sit-coms on our public TV network.
This will be coming to me soon in my book circulation group, so that is good to know.
Some men are just hopeless but two presents are better than none!
I love books like that (have you read "Hotel Pastis" by Peter Mayle...just wonderful). I remember "'Allo, 'Allo", yes it was a strange setting for a sitcom, but it was so funny.
This book is on my bedside table just wiating for me to finish my current one! Rose posted a review recently about it too. I can't wait to start it!
Husband bout you 2?!!!!!
LOL, Liz; I did a post/book review on this book a couple weeks ago. You're right--it's absolutely delightful! I don't recognize the references to "Allo, Allo" you mention, but your comparisons are probably right on. It's one of the few books I've read recently that I could wholeheartedly recommend to all my friends. Husband gave you two copies??:)
I've seen that book here and been wondering whether to get it. I think I will now.
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