Tuesday, January 06, 2009

mini biog

Last night in writers' group we were set the task of writing a biography/autobiography/obituary in 20 words or less. I think I've seen something similar on some blogs. Anyway, this is what I came up with.

Her story
The beginning: unexpected
The middle: underway
The ending: unknown

Before writers' my circuit training sessions started again. First of all Jules, the trainer, explained the circuit, then we warmed up, then we had to pair up ready for action. There was a new lady, about my age, in the class and I thought I'd offer to be her partner but before I could do that Fi had come and grabbed me. Fi's biography in 20 words or less:
Fi, fifteen, feisty and fit.

I swear she only picks me so she can humiliate and laugh at me ...

But I'll get my revenge. When she least expects it ...


jmb said...

Very good Liz. I would be totally stumped by that literary exercise.

Well we were all fit at fifteen and I was still so at fifty too. She had better watch out!

Liz Hinds said...

Indeed she had, jmb. I will get my revenge.

Carol said...

This group sounds like fun...love to hear more about it...