Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In which I have an industrial injury

On Monday in work I was making tea for Janet, Alun and me when I knocked the lid off the sugar pot. It shattered and shards of china flew all over the work surface. I mopped it up and then ran my fingers over to make sure it was free of bits. Ouch! I found a splinter and removed it straightaway but another tiny and malicious one must have buried itself deep into my thumb. And it's very tender!

I might have to have my thumb removed.

I still can't see the splinter, just a red slightly swollen blob. I was talking to Elder Son on MSN this morning and telling him about my invisible splinter. He said, 'Do you know the vague area?'
I said, - wait for it - 'No, is it in London?'

I nearly fell off my chair laughing! I told my joke to George but he didn't think it was funny. But then he doesn't grasp the concept of places having areas within them.

But that was just a by the way; what I was going to say was: do you think I could sue? I only had the sugar bowl out to put sugar in Alun's tea and he is the health & safety officer so I think there must be blame there somewhere.

After all, it couldn't possibly be my fault.


Anonymous said...

Within 7 days i have cut my index finger open (2 hours in casulty and steri- strips), lost my handbag (about 3 hours to find it) lost the house keys (eventually found) got locked out of my credit card ( forgot the pin 3 times) lost my debit card... cancelled it then found it.. *rolls eyes*

A. xx

Anonymous said...

LOL! Well you could try!

My Mum used to put magnesium sulphate paste on splinters and infected places and wrap it. It's supposed to draw the object or the infection out. Worked, too, from what I remember!

jams o donnell said...

Not sure what the remedy is Liz but getting an injury when making tea for teh H&S person...Seriously I hope it feels better soon

Furtheron said...

You can try - has a risk assessment of this ever been done? Have you been trained in, a) making tea b) getting stuff out the cupboard c) clearing up broken china. Unless the company have trained you or told you not to do these things as you've not been trained you could sue.

I hurt my back some years back lifting a heavy computer monitor - but I'd never been on the manual handling course and the company had sent out saying to do so... so I couldn't sue. I know, they sent me a letter explaining exactly why I could sue... I hadn't thought about it until then. ;-)

MaryB said...

Oooh - adults used to scare us half to death about splinters when I was little. The only remedy, of course, was letting said adult scrounge around the area with a needle to dig out the offending chip. I remember one time keeping splinter news to myself and lived in fear for weeks that the splinter would find its way to my heart and kill me. Um. Didn't happen. Yet. Glad you survived!