This is the garden the dog sat in - chewing a bone he must have found in their bin.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm not sure which, the over-the-back-wall neighbours were out. And the side gate to their garden was locked so I had to stand peering over the wall and calling George. (I should explain: their garden is on a higher level than ours.)
I lured him back - eventually - with a banana.
'Come on, George. Look, mummy's got a banana, yum yum. Mmm, I'm peeling it. Listen. Mm, can you smell it? Yum yum.'
I do hope no-one was listening. It's hard to be calm-assertive when you're trying to make a banana sound alluring.
Bananas certainly sound more appealing than garbage to me:) I do hope George didn't eat anything to upset him. Daughter's big puppy found a whole chicken carcass in the neighbor's garbage and ate it before she could do anything.
It looked like a large bone he was gnawing on, rose. We're just waiting to see if anything comes out/up!
Oh dear I can just picture that scene!
Banana? Is that what it takes to get George to come home? He is a weird dog.
A banana? Something a cat would never be tempted by!
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