Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Just Tuesday

Looking through our Christmas cards I notice that we have once again received a card from the mysterious Tom and Betty. They don't give up, I've got to say that for them. On the other hand, there are a number of cards missing. Cards that we'd normally receive haven't turned up. Mostly, I have to note, from elderly 'aunties' (i.e. aunties who aren't actually aunties). I do hope they haven't all died. It would be a very bad year for elderly 'aunties' if that were the case.

And now it's nearly New Year's Eve. Husband and I have pondered long on how to mark the coming of a new year with all the promise it holds. We've decided - or rather I've decided - that as most celebrations entail some sort of effort - Husband: we could go out for a meal. Me: Oooh, I'd have to get dressed up. - a quick trip to M&S (it's not just food; it's M&S food) followed by a quiet night in is what is required.

We know how to live.

P.S. And now I've set myself a punctuation poser. The full stops in the brief conversation above are surely out of place but how else could I do it? Write the sentence in a completely different form I guess.

P.P.S. I don't want to put a jinx on it but Husband has started to decorate the hall. I mean re-started. If you recall, he started two years ago ...


Anonymous said...

I went floating round a designer dress agency this afternoon, after coffee and precious mummy time. I think I have come up with the ideal new winter coat.

Going out for a meal on Hogmanay, what a brill idea. Enjoy.

Suburbia said...

That did make me giggle Liz!!

Good luck with the hall ;)

So who are Tom and Betty??????

Oh, nearly forgot .............HAPPY NEW YEAR!